May 28, 2024

Notification of changes to company details

Due to organizational changes in the company, I would like to inform you that the goods will be sold by the company: Address data: HOME ART STYLE LIMITED JAŚMINOWA 28 CHOŻYCIN-SZUM 63-640 BRALIN NIP 6192056079 REGON 522079121 Bank account: ALIOR BANK Headquarters Warsaw ul. Łopuszańska 38D PLN 14 2490 0005 0000 4530 2228 1700 EUR PL69 2490 0005 0000 4600 6843 7534 All new orders will be paid on the new details. Please pay special attention to the data on the documents we issue. Please make appropriate changes to your accounting systems. All existing terms of cooperation remain unchanged. Best Regards